Ms. N was crossing Marietta Street in a crosswalk when an oncoming driver hit her. Despite being in the crosswalk, the police and the driver’s insurance company found her at fault for the wreck and even issued her a citation. A BBGA attorney investigated the incident and found surveillance video proving that Ms. N was in a crosswalk and that the driver was looking at her phone during the wreck. He secured a $100,000 settlement with the driver’s insurance company, which is the full amount of their policy limits.

Pedestrian Issued Citation After Being Hit in Atlanta Crosswalk
Ms. N was attempting to cross Marietta Street in a crosswalk when she was hit by a car. The impact threw her up into the air and pushed her forward where she landed outside of the crosswalk. When police arrived, the driver of the vehicle told police that Ms. N wasn’t in the crosswalk when she hit her, and that Ms. N had instead darted into the street.
The police report indicated that video surveillance footage showed Ms. N was not in the crosswalk when she was struck. Ms. N was issued a citation for darting into traffic.
The Injuries
When EMS arrived on the scene, Ms. N was unable to talk. She was transported to a nearby hospital where emergency room doctors noted a tib-fib fracture in Ms. N’s left leg, a hip joint fracture, a skull fracture, brain bleeding, multiple pelvic fractures, and a comminuted R L5 TP fracture, which is a fracture of the fifth lumbar vertebrae.
Ms. N. underwent immediate surgery to repair her left leg and many pelvic ring fractures. Doctors placed several screws in her leg and pelvic region. She was in the ICU for several days before being discharged. When she was discharged a CT scan still showed pools of blood in her brain with localized swelling.
BBGA Attorney Proves Pedestrian Was in Crosswalk and Negotiates Settlement for Policy Limits
Ms. N retained BBGA to investigate the incident. The insurance company denied liability for the wreck, stating that Ms. N was not in the crosswalk.
We obtained surveillance video from a nearby police camera. It provided unmistakable evidence that proved not only was Ms. N inside the crosswalk when she was hit, but the driver was holding her cell phone at the time of the incident. The insurance company then accepted responsibility and agreed to pay the policy limit of $100,000.
We are happy to have helped Ms. N with her case and we wish her the best in her ongoing recovery.