The Litigation Section held its third breakfast meeting of the 2018-2019 Bar year on Nov. 9 in its year-long series, “Litigation of Our Times, the Specialty Trial Series”.
Stalwarts of the Products Liability Bar provided their insights and acumen on the present status and trends of product liability litigation and trials. Members were pleased to receive Chris Glover of Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles, PC; MJ Blakely, Jr. of Pope McGlamry, PC; C. Bradford Marsh of Swift Currie McGhee & Heirs, LLP; and Philippa V. Ellis of Owen, Gleaton, Egan, Jones & Sweeney, LLP; and our moderator and Board Member, John D. Hadden of The Hadden Law Firm, LLC.
Starting with a discussion of the bigger picture of product liability litigation, the panelists offered their experiences with multi-district litigation. While MJ noted that access to justice can be enhanced by the MDL process, wherein large numbers of plaintiffs can be represented, Brad discussed his preference for the more straightforward litigation involving one or a few plaintiffs versus a small number of defendants.

From left; Philippa V. Ellis, John D. Hadden, Brad Marsh, MJ Blakely, Chris Glover, and Current Chair of the Litigation Section Rob Huestis.
Drilling down into the product liability trial, the panelists agreed that jury selection and the opportunity to tell the client’s story are of paramount importance. In trying these complicated and time-consuming cases, opportunities for even the most seasoned litigators to make mistakes are around every corner. The panelists candidly shared some of their own mistakes and mistakes they have witnessed through their many product liability trials.
The next breakfast, to be led by Board Member the Honorable Lillian Caudle, concerns The Magistrate Court Trial, and will take place on Friday, Dec. 14. As always, the meeting will be held at Ansley Golf Club, 196 Montgomery Ferry Drive, Atlanta, GA 30309, beginning at 7:30 am.
Non-Members must register via the registration form, found on the website. For more information, click here.
The Litigation Section of the Atlanta Bar Association is the largest section by membership and is made up judges and litigators who practice in diverse areas of the law. The Section holds nine monthly breakfast meetings each year, highlighting prominent speakers and compelling topics. The Section also hosts happy hours, CLEs and other events such as its annual Bench & Bar Reception in the spring.