BBGA recently secured an $850,000 settlement for a client who suffered a significant foot injury in a car accident.
The settlement was nearly four times our client’s medical bills and lost wages, which were $214,000.
The wreck happened when the defendant tried to make a left-hand turn from the far-right lane. The defendant struck our client, who was driving in the center lane, and the force of the collision caused him to lose control of his car and crash into a telephone pole.
The defendant denied responsibility for the wreck. He first claimed that our client tried to pass him on the left. The defendant then claimed that our client rear-ended him as the defendant made his left turn.
BBGA attorneys located a witness to the accident who testified the defendant had indeed made a left-hand turn from the far-right lane. We also retained an accident reconstruction expert to investigate the wreck. The expert proved that the damage to both cars – and the resting point of the cars after the accident – showed that the defendant made a left-hand turn from the far-right lane. The expert prepared recreations of the accident, which are below.

Our attorneys also obtained a text message from the defendant’s cell phone that he sent after the wreck, which contradicted his testimony:

The wreck severely dislocated two of the joints in our client’s foot. Emergency room doctors tried “reducing” the dislocations, but couldn’t do so. Doctors then performed surgery on the plaintiff’s foot, which required inserting metal rods known as an external fixator into his foot to correct the dislocations.

Six weeks later, doctors performed a second surgery to remove the external fixator. When our client’s foot didn’t heal correctly and he continued to suffer dislocations, he had to undergo a third surgery to fuse two of the joints in his foot.

The identities of the plaintiff and defendant are confidential at the request of the defendant.