Genero was driving on West Broad Street in Athens, Georgia when another driver ran a red light and struck his car. Genero broke his arm and wrist in the wreck and required surgery to fix it. BBGA secured a $75,000 settlement with Georgia Farm Bureau and Progressive for Genero, which was the maximum amount of insurance available.
Negligent Driving Leads to Serious Wreck
Genero was driving westbound on West Broad Street when another driver negligently failed to obey traffic signals and ran a red light, crossing the intersection and hitting his car. The damage to Genero’s vehicle was substantial and he had to be extricated from the car. Both vehicles had to be removed from the scene due to the extensive damage. A witness said Genero lost consciousness for several minutes following the crash. First responders immobilized him, and he was transported by ambulance to the hospital.

When Genero arrived at Piedmont Athens Regional his main complaint was severe left shoulder pain. He also had abrasions all over his body and his left upper arm was deformed. Because there was concern of loss of consciousness at the scene, a broad trauma evaluation was performed, and it was noted that our client may have had some mild head injury. He was given pain medication and multiple CT scans and X-Rays were performed. Doctors concluded Genero’s upper left arm was fractured in the crash. They gave him a cast and sent him home to rest, but the pain became so severe while at home, he was transported by ambulance to the Emergency Room just days later.
A left wrist X-ray showed a malalignment of the scaphoid and a ligamentous injury and fracture of the carpal bone. The official diagnosis was a closed fracture of left distal humerus and scaphoid fracture. A distal humerus fracture is a break in the lower end of the upper arm bone. A scaphoid fracture is a break in one of the small bones of the wrist. When Genero was seen by an orthopedic doctor, the X-ray showed evidence of a comminuted fracture, which means his humerus was broken into more than two pieces. Genero underwent surgery to repair the injuries.
Exceeding Policy Limits
The defendant had $50,000 in liability coverage through Georgia Farm Bureau and our client had $25,000 in underinsured motorist coverage with Progressive. BBGA resolved the case with both insurance companies for their policy limits without going to court. We’re pleased to have helped Genero receive compensation for his injuries.